Saturday, April 5, 2014

#BlogPost #QCCC #40LentenDays

It’s that time of year again where we all crave our favourite things—whether it be our favourite foods or our favourite activities. It’s also the time we can eat our friend’s favourite food in front of them but they can’t do anything but just look at you in #tears and #sadness.

But of course, most importantly, it is the Season of Lent; a season of prayer, almsgiving, and sacrifice. During the Lenten Season, we recall the suffering of Christ, His death, and His resurrection. This is a time where Christians are called to repent for our sins as we reflect on each additional wound we add onto Jesus’ body for every time we sin. It is also a time for deeper prayer and reflection as we walk the Stations of the Cross together with Jesus and experience his journey of pain and suffering.

The children of QCCC made colourful Lenten chains to guide us on our Lenten journey. These chains consisted of ideas written by our fellow QCCC members, which helped us stay on track this Lenten season through tasks of almsgiving, sacrifice, and prayer. With ten tasks to a chain and a cut-out cross to complete it, we all brought home with us a colourful personalized rosary. We also welcomed all our alumni to walk with Christ this Lenten Journey by completing the QCCC Lenten Challenge.

Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord…and don’t forget to upload your pictures to our Facebook album with #QCCC #40LentenDays!